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Intersil ISL34340 SERDES应用方案

作者:  时间:2008-07-07 14:49  来源:eaw

The ISL34340 is a serializer/deserializer of LVCMOS parallel video data. The video data presented to the serializer on the parallel LVCMOS bus is serialized into a high-speed differential signal. This differential signal is converted back to parallel video at the remote end by the deserializer. It also transports auxiliary data bidirectionally over the same link during the video vertical retrace interval.

24-bit RGB transport over single differential pair
Bidirectional auxiliary data transport without extra bandwidth and over the same differential pair
40MHz PCLK transports
-SVGA 800x600 @ 70fps, 16% blanking
-WSVGA 1024x600 @ 60fps, 8% blanking
Internal 100Ω termination on high-speed serial lines
DC balanced 8b/10b line code allows AC-coupling
Provides immunity against ground shifts
Transmitter amplitude boost and pre-emphasis and receiver equalization allow for longer cable lengths and higher data rates
Same device for serializer and deserializer simplifies inventory
I2C interface
High-speed serial lines meet 8kV ESD rating
Pb-free (RoHS compliant)

Navigation and display systems
Video entertainment systems
Industrial computing terminals
Remote cameras

图1. ISL34340方框图

图2. ISL34340应用方框图
The ISL34340 evaluation kit enables the user to exercise the serdes in a lab environment and to see the high speed and parallel signals conveniently on an oscilloscope.

图3. ISL34340评估板外形图

图4. ISL34340评估板电路图(1)

图5. ISL34340评估板电路图(2)

图6. ISL34340评估板电路图(3)

图7. ISL34340评估板电路图(4)

图8. ISL34340评估板电路图(5)

图9. ISL34340评估板电路图(6)



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