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Avago MGA-22003 WiMAX和WiFi功率放大方案

作者:  时间:2009-06-16 17:03  来源:eaw
Avago 公司的MGA-22003是2.3-2.7 GHz WiMAX和WiFi功率放大器,具有平坦的增益特性和良好的匹配功能.所有端口都是50欧姆4抗,集成了CMOS兼容引脚,用来关断和降功耗模式,工作电压3-5V.在2.5GHz时的增益为35dB,PAEwei121%.可用在手提WiMAX和WiFi应用以及WiMAX和WiFi接入点.本文介绍了MGA-22003主要特性, 功能方框图和典型应用电路.

MGA-22003:2.3-2.7 GHz 3x3mm WiMAX and WiFi Power Amplifier

Avago Technologies MGA-22003 linear power amplifier is designed for mobile and fixed wireless data applications in the 2.3 to 2.7 GHz frequency range. The PA is optimized for IEEE 802.16 WiMAX modulation but can be used for any high linearity applications. The PA exhibits flat gain and good match while providing linear power efficiency to meet stringent mask conditions. It utilizes Avago Technologies proprietary GaAs Enhancement-mode pHEMT technology for superior performance across voltage and temperature levels.

The MGA-22003 is packaged in a 3x3x1 mm package for space-constrained applications.


Advanced GaAs E-pHEMT

50 Ω all RF ports

8dB gain attenuation in low power mode with Idsq reduction

Integrated CMOS compatible pins for shutdown and low power mode

3 to 5V supply

ESD protection all ports above 1000V HBM

Small size: 3 x 3 x 1 mm

Stable under all loads or conditions

-40癈 to +85癈 operation

At 2.5GHz

Gain of 35dB

PAE of 21%

Meets ETSI/802.16 masks at 25 dBm Pout , 16QAM WiMAX with 3.3V and 485mA

16QAM WiMAX EVM < -32dB (2.5%) at 25dBm

Low power Idd, 200mA, 27dB gain at 12dBm Pout

Low Power Idsq of 110mA


Portable WiMAX and WiFi applications

WiMAX and WiFi Access points






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