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ST STi5197 STB MPEG2译码方案

作者:  时间:2009-11-04 13:48  来源:
ST 公司的STi5197是用于STB 的低成本QAM解调器和MPEG2译码器.在单片IC内集成了QAM解调器,FEC,多流传输分路器,应用CPU,音频/视频译码,视频处理,图像和显示,先进的安全特性,STB外设,音/视频DAC,数字音/视频输出,USB 2.0主控制器/ULPI以及以太网 MAC MII/MRII.本文介绍了STi5197的主要特性,方框图以及典型应用框图,包括MPEG2广播线缆STB框图(Basic Zapper), 带HDD的MPEG2双调谐混合/DVR线缆STB框图,带DVB-CI插座的MPEG2 广播线缆STB框图,和带嵌入DOCSIS 线缆调制解调器的MPEG2互动STB框图.

STi5197: Low-cost QAM demodulator and MPEG2 decoder for set-top box applications

The STi5197 integrates in a single IC, QAM demodulation, FEC, Multi-stream transport demultiplexing, an applications CPU, audio/video decode, video processing, graphics and display, advanced security, STB peripherals, audio/video DACs, digital audio/video outputs, USB 2.0 host controller/ULPI and an Ethernet MAC MII/RMII.


■ ITU-T J83 Annexes A/B/C, DVB-C compliant

■ 256 QAM demodulation and FEC sub-system

■ MPEG2 MP@ML video decoding

■ Audio decoding (MPEG1, 2, MP3, Dolby Digital 5.1)

■ Optional feature: BTSC stereo encoding

■ Linux and OS21 compatible ST40 applications CPU (350 MHz)

■ 16-bit SDR/DDR1 compatible local memory interface

■ Multi-stream, DVR capable, transport stream processing

■ Extensive connectivity (USB 2.0 host/ULPI, Ethernet MAC MII/RMII, DVB-CI)

■ Advanced security features, compatible with the latest CA requirements

■ Cable STBs can be produced with very small BOM and two-layer PCBs

■ Active and passive low power modes

■ Integrated voltage regulator

■ Two package options: PBGA 23 x 23 and LFBGA 15 x 15

图1. STi5197方框图

图2. MPEG2广播线缆STB框图(Basic Zapper)


图4.带DVB-CI插座的MPEG2 广播线缆STB框图

图5.带嵌入DOCSIS 线缆调制解调器的MPEG2互动STB框图



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ST STi5197 STB MPEG2译码方案

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